Test puppies and dogs that present with sudden onset of lethargy, vomiting, fever, and diarrhea; does not cross-react with modified live vaccines. Early detection helps prevent the spread of this dangerous and highly contagious disease.
- BOX SIZE: 5 Tests
- Feline Panleukopenia: A Study (University of Tennessee published in Veterinary Therapeutics) has demonstrates that the SNAP Parvo Test detects feline panleukopenia virus in the feces of infected cats, the use of the SNAP Parvo Test to detect feline panleukopenia is considered off-label.
- NIH Recommendation: The SNAP ELISA should be viewed as an initial diagnostic test to rule in feline panleukopenia. Positive fecal SNAP test results, including weak positives, are highly likely to be true positives in clinically affected animals. Negative results in clinically affected (symptomatic) animals should be followed up with confirmation by PCR testing.
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